Ah, Lagos! A city where the hustle is real. One such hustler was Brother Peter, a man who believed his toolbox and YouTube were a match for any problem, from flickering bulbs to doors that sang azonto.  

One afternoon, he heard a familiar hiss from the bathroom, a sound he knew too well, a burst pipe. Brother Peter, ever the resourceful Lagosian, declared, “Leave it to me, I have so many powers, I have Abithoshaker!” As he whipped out his phone and toolbox to get down to business. 

He pulled out his pipe wrenches and started twisting, turning, and gripping like his life depended on it but it only got worse, and the water pressure mocked Brother Peter’s best efforts. It got so bad that his house started to look like a small Bar Beach. The nice floorboards were ruined, and even his special Persian rug was soaked through. 

By the time Brother Peter gave up and called the local plumber, he was soaked from head to toe, like a person who forgot his umbrella during a downpour. To top it all off, calling the Plumber cost him more than he would have spent if he had called him from the beginning. 

After this day, Brother Peter vowed to become a home maintainer, not a home destroyer. Here’s the correct way to handle such wahala: 

  • Respect the professionals. One call to the professional could’ve saved Brother Peter from a king’s ransom. 
  • Regular checks for leaks are like daily prayers – crucial for avoiding future dramas. Your pipes are your home’s silent heroes, treat them with respect! 
  • Not all battles are meant for one man. Be honest about your skills, and leave complex repairs to the professionals  

While it’s understandable that homeowners might stumble every now and then, continuously making errors in managing finances, energy consumption, home security, and maintenance could lead to unnecessary expenses, wasted time, and potential vulnerabilities for your home.  

Find out which of your regular practices may be doing your house more harm than good, then resolve to curb those bad habits. Let’s keep your properties in top shape and your wallets happy.  

  • Neglecting Regular Maintenance: Many at times, we tend to ignore small leaks or cracks because we think that it won’t turn big and that is where you are wrong because it will eventually worsen with time. Ignoring those small leaks, cracks, or maintenance tasks can become huge, costly issues over time. Tackle those to dos before they become major headaches. 
  • Avoid Outlet Overload: Every outlet is designed to handle a specific amount of electrical power. When you plug in too many devices that draw a lot of power, you can overload the circuit. This creates excessive heat, which can damage the wiring and eventually lead to a fire. For example, you’re setting up your entertainment center in your new apartment, excitedly plugging in all your devices into one outlet. A few weeks later, while watching TV, you hear a pop and smell burning plastic, and you know how the rest of the story goes. Instead, distribute the load across multiple outlets, or consider adding power strips with built-in surge protection. By taking these simple precautions, you can prevent dangerous situations and keep your home safe. 
  • Ignoring Ventilation: You know that stuffy feeling where the air seems stale and thick? That’s a sign your home might need some fresh air flowing through. Think of your home like a living thing. It needs to breathe just like you do! Without proper ventilation, moisture gets trapped inside. This can lead to two not-so-fun things: 
  • Mildew Mayhem: Ever seen those black spots creeping up your bathroom walls? That’s mildew, and it thrives in damp, poorly ventilated areas. Not exactly the best roommate. 
  • Stale Air Blues: Poor ventilation can trap dust, pollutants, and even cooking smells inside. This can make the air feel heavy and stuffy, not to mention potentially irritating allergies or asthma. 

So, how do we help our homes breathe? Here are a couple of tricks: 

  • Open Those Windows: When the weather permits, throw open the windows and let the fresh air sweep through.  
  • Exhaust Fans Are Your Friends: Use exhaust fans in your kitchen and bathroom to help remove steam, moisture, and cooking odors.  
  • DIY (Do it Yourself) Disasters: We’ve all been there, that itch to tackle a home improvement project yourself. Maybe it’s hanging shelves, fixing a leaky faucet, or even repainting the walls. Hey, a little DIY spirit is a great thing! It saves money, builds skills, and lets you brag to your friends about your handiwork. 

But hold on a sec. While that can-do attitude is awesome, there’s a fine line between DIY hero and home improvement disaster. Let’s face it, some projects are just beyond our skillset and there is no shame in admitting your limitations. Complex electrical work, intricate plumbing repairs, or major structural changes are best left to the professionals. They have the training, the tools, and most importantly, the experience to get the job done right – and safely! 

So, the next time you’re tempted to tackle that project that seems a little “out of your league,” remember calling in a pro isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of smarts. Save yourself the frustration, the potential damage. 

  • Skipping Routine Inspections: Regular home inspections can catch issues early before they escalate. Don’t wait for a problem to become a disaster; stay proactive with inspections. 
  • Ignoring Pest Problems: Nobody likes sharing their home with uninvited guests, especially the six-legged or furry kind. Ignoring a pest problem is like giving them a free invitation to stay and cause trouble. These unwanted visitors can wreak havoc in two major ways: 
  • Destruction Derby: Rodents like mice and rats love to chew on wires and insulation. Termites can munch through your walls like a midnight snack. These nibblers can cause serious structural damage to your home, leading to expensive repairs. 
  • Health Hazards: Not only are pests a nuisance, but they can also carry diseases. Cockroaches can trigger allergies and asthma, while mosquitoes can spread illnesses. Keeping your home pest-free is crucial for the health and safety of your family. 

Don’t Let Them Bug You! 

The good news is you don’t have to live with creepy crawlies! Here are some ways to keep your home pest-free: 

  • Seal Up the Cracks: Pests are sneaky and can squeeze through tiny openings. Regularly check for cracks around windows, doors, and foundations, and seal them up to prevent unwanted entry. 
  • Keep it Clean: A clean home is a less inviting place for pests. Regularly wipe down surfaces, sweep crumbs, and store food in sealed containers. This removes potential food sources and makes your home less attractive to these unwelcome visitors. 
  • Call in the Reinforcements: If you suspect a pest infestation, don’t try to be a superhero. Call a professional pest control company. They have the expertise and tools to safely and effectively eliminate the problem. 

Put an end to these poor homeownership practices! By addressing these harmful habits, you’re not just improving your home’s condition but also creating a safer and more comfortable living environment. Keep up the good work in breaking these habits. Your home will thank you in the long run! 

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to keep your living space happy and healthy.